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Have you noticed the 'easter eggs' at our craft-distillery? is our grain socks..

An 'easter egg' in the movies is a hidden references, inside jokes, or secret messages. Well, we have a few in the Distillery, also. One of which is our Grain sock.

Part of being a true craft distillery is that we grind our own grains. All of the corn, barley and rye we use for our various spirits are purchased through Weathers Farm Supply and Palmetto Malt Company in St. George, SC. The ground grains go though an enclosed chain drive system to our Mash Tun. Now, the fun part is that to go from the chain drive to the Mash Tun, we have a variety of themed grain socks. These are courtesy of Brian’s sister, Grace. We change it out every few weeks, usually when I get it my head that I want a new theme. We have different holidays, some fun turtles, cute bees, beautiful rainbow stripes, all sorts of designs. Have you noticed it before? Well, you will now.

Brian straightening grain sock
Brian hanging up the Grain sock

The one that is starting us off in April is the Autism Awareness puzzle fabric. We have many family and friends (and friends who are like family) who are on the Autism Spectrum or are raising children on the Spectrum. This is our little way to show our support and to spread awareness.

"Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 36 children and 1 in 45 adults in the United States today." For more information on Autism and the ways you can help, check out or your local Autism center.

Grain sock with multi-color puzzle design for Autism Awareness
Grain sock with multi-color puzzle design for Autism Awareness



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